The Japanese have developed a cell phone with 3D display


The company Seiko Epson presented a prototype of a 3D display for mobile phones. Its 3D picture is visible without any glasses The authors of innovations say that from earlier projects the given screen is distinguished by a sharper image and less sensitivity to movements from the user.

A display 2.57-inches diagonally has a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, which corresponds to 500 pixels per inch or almost 20 points per millimeter. Its secret lies in its extremely small lenticular lenses (only a few pixels wide) which cover the surface of the LCD screen.

When displaying an object it uses 8 cameras, each of which produces an image with a resolution of 256 x 384 pixels. The computer then splits the received images and combines them in one screen, alternating pixels taken from different points of view.

The lenses on the surface of the display are responsible for ensuring that at any time every eye can see only the necessary image.

In general the principle of creating three-dimensional images has been invented a very long time ago. The achievement of Seiko Epson is in exactly how they implemented this idea and more importantly, that they could fit this technology into such a small display without compromising the solution.

With the new screen, head movement (within reasonable limits) should not lead to distortion of the image and more over to the loss of the 3D effect. This was one of the earlier problems of this kind of development.

To solve this, the Japanese used a few tricks. In particular, they’ve significantly increased the number of original pixels.

The designers even placed a number of split images to take into account the differing sensitivity of eyes to the perception of subtle details depending on direction.

In addition, the company has reduced the distance of sideway movement of the head required for the human eye to see another image captured from a slightly different angle: from 65 mm to 32.5 mm.

The equipment is very interesting, as we anticipate mass production.

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