How to conduct a successful video conference


If you have your own VCS equipment : request the person responsible for the equipment to conduct a test call NO LATER THAN 24 hours prior to the start of the Conference. This call will help technicians in your office and at the other end to discover and solve any problems that could arise.

If necessary contact the specialists of Smart services and they will help you to set up a videoconference.

If you are in the meeting room of the company «SmartServices»:

Relax, it's all easier! Our experts:

-will show you the negotiating hall

-carry out setting up the equipment

-ensure good sound and picture quality

- will be in close proximity to assist you if needed.

Etiquette of teleconference

-imagine members of both parties;

-speak as usual; there's no need to raise your voice. Use the volume control to adjust the sound.

-on large or multi-point meetings, assign a Chairman at each location who will align speakers.

Do not mute the sound without asking the other side beforehand.

Don't forget you are seen! Do not whisper and be aware of your body language.

Don’t be nervous when there are failures in communication; smile!

VCS technology has made tremendous progress over the past decade and has proven to be an effective tool for carrying out meetings without forcing participants to be present physically in the same place. The following information will help you to prepare and conduct a video conference with the greatest impact.

Useful advice for a successful conference

Dress properly

Wear neutral, solid colors and avoid white or bright colors. Try not to wear clothing with fine patterns, stripes or checkered designs because they may distort the image.

Come on time

You must arrive 10-15 minutes before the start time of the conference, so that you can get accustomed to the site before the meeting starts. The specialist will explain to you how to work and adjust the camera and sound if necessary. On the monitor you will see the remote parties and yourself. This is done to let you know how you are seen.


Modern high-quality microphones are very sensitive so avoid tapping on the table and rustling papers.


Try to minimize hand and body movements. Quick or rhythmic movement may look jerky on the monitor.

Eye contact

When speaking, try to look at the camera usually placed on top of the monitor, but not at the monitor. This will give the best effect of eye contact. Speak normally as if you were in the same room and don’t forget to smile.

Audio delay

Sometimes there can be a small time delay in the audio. If this happens, wait before responding; make sure that the remote party has finished speaking.

Technical problems

If there are any problems such as loss or hung video, tell the remote participants. Explain what happened and that you must leave the room for a moment to call an expert. Don't worry, it happens very rarely and is quickly resolved.

The duration of meeting

Keep track of the time. Make sure that you can perform the agenda in the allotted time.

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